specialties for individual therapy.

Individual therapy provides you a space to understand yourself better so you can live a more fulfilling life. It is a process that helps you process past experiences, learn coping strategies, manage current stressors, and discuss with an unbiased party what is going on in the moment. Contact me to schedule a consultation to see if we can help you overcome your difficulties.

Inclusive and welcoming to all; I celebrate and support you!

  • -Process from unresolved trauma of neglect, abuse, and abandonment

    -Heal the relationship you have with yourself

    -Learn how to love and be loved

    -Identify the sources of the pain that hinders you from living your most authentic self

    -Rewrite your narrative

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  • -Practice self-compassion

    -Identify sources of stressors

    -Learn how to accept imperfection

    -Separate the idea that you have to be perfect to be worthy

    -Grow in self-acceptance

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  • -Heal from the pains and fears you experience on a daily basis

    -Identify triggers that activate your system

    -Learn how to calm down your senses

    -Process the source and manage symptoms

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  • -Process the parts of you that you are wanting to let go of to help you feel more authentic

    -Build understanding into why you do the things you do

    -Understand yourself within the cultural demands and social norms

    -Explore who you are and who you want to be

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  • Therapy for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families

    You’ve had traumatic experiences stemming from your family and parental figures. You’re wondering why it still affects you now as an adult.

  • Therapy for Perfectionism

    You find yourself criticizing everything you do when it doesn’t feel like it’s “good enough.” You struggle with letting go of unrealistic expectations.

  • Therapy for Trauma Recovery

    Something happened that brought so much turmoil to your life. You may feel shame, guilt, self-blame, anger, and sadness. It sticks with you.

  • Therapy for Identity Development

    You’re seeking to learn more about yourself. You’ve struggled to differentiate between who others want you to be and how you want to be.